Thursday, April 1, 2010

Following our visit to the consultant yesterday, I am feeling pretty bad about the light-hearted tone of my last post...

Ed has bust up his shoulder pretty badly... he's severed both of the ligaments that hold the shoulder together so the joint can't stay in place. Basically, until he has surgery, he's going to be in a lot of pain whenever he tries to lift anything or use his shoulder in any way.

Thankfully, one of the senior guys at Ed's work is well connected and has put us in touch with a surgeon who specialises in sports injuries (apparently he gets flown round the world to operate on top athletes). Ed will find out today about how quickly he can be seen.

The really upsetting part about this injury is that Ed is unable to hold Daniel for the time being. And, just as we prepare to bring a newborn home, my man is unable to lift anything!

Ed is being amazingly stoical and strong while I oscillate between feeling sad and angry. I am preaching to myself and seeking to hold on in faith that all this is for our good - but this is just another thing, on top of everything else. We just feel that we need a bit of let up, but I am confident the lord knows what He's doing and why...

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ed and Nicci,

    It's Candace Prokopets. As I just ready our post, something that Rob shared during his sermon yesterday came to mind. There is nothing that comes into our path without first having gone through the loving hands of our Father. It doesn't take away the sting of the pain or discomfort, but it does bring peace knowing that there is a reason, that life isn't out of control, that He did allow it for a perfectly good reason.
