Friday, January 29, 2010

Hi there!

A number of you have expressed a desire to have the details of my baby shower registries... and of course, I am MORE than happy to provide the details!

Babies r us:, 'find a registry', then you can either search by our names (Edward and Nicola Gilchrist!), or use our registry number: 44876107

Target:, 'gift registries and lists', 'baby registries' and then put in either 'Edward Gilchrist' or 'Nicola Gilchrist'!

PLEASE don't feel under ANY obligation to get us a gift, but if you'd like to, then doing it through the registry would save you spending the earth on postage (they will ship direct to us).

My baby shower is scheduled for March 6th (can't wait!). That's the start of week 30 of my pregnancy and the consultants have said that if I make it to week 30 with no further complications, then they are pretty confident that I will have at least one healthy baby... for now, i'm holding on in faith and enduring my bed rest with as much positivity as possible!

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