Monday, February 8, 2010

OK. So the contractions didn't stop. She was returned from the ante-partum area to the Labour and Delivery Suite and at 11.30pm on Sunday night, I was called to come back to the hospital.

Once they wheeled Nicci through to the delivery room, they realised that she was almost entirely dilated and Baby 'A' was already poking through the cervix. By by 12.26am, after only a handful of pushes, Joshua Milagro Gilchrist was born weighing less than 2lb. He was absolutely tiny and squished, but true to form he fought more than everyone expected and rather than just swaddling him while he died, they felt he was strong enough to be intubated and rushed to the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit). Meanwhile, after a short breathing space for Nicci, labour for Baby 'B' started and not long after, after even fewer pushes, Daniel Edward David Gilchrist was born, also weighing less than 2lb, but looking much bigger and less squished than his brother. He also immediately started crying and urinating everywhere, which are apparently both very good signs.

They were both taken to the NICU, and we were both left in shock, waiting to hear news of how they were doing. About an hour later, we were called to say that our precious little man, Joshua Milagro, was not responding to intervention: his lungs were not strong enough to cope with breathing. And so they brought him through to us, a little bundle: smaller than a bag of sugar, weighing next to nothing tucked up in a blanket and a little knitted blue hat. We both got to hold him for the last 10 or so minutes of his life, before his little heart stopped beating, and we committed him into our loving heavenly Father's arms, and took comfort from the fact that he will now be playing with Jesus and his wonderful grandma Janal. Obviously we were both very emotional, but we had largely prepared ourselves for this outcome.

Daniel is looking as good as can be expected for a 25 week old sub-2lb baby. He is still fighting the good fight in the NICU. They just a minute ago called through, and we feared the worst, but the news was quite positive. They are planning on transfusing some new blood, and he is on 70% oxygen. They say what happens is that after the first couple of days (by which time they realise they are no longer in the womb), they start to deteriorate and then later rally. But for the time being, things are hopeful, but still precariously poised. So the next few hours/days are crucial. Do pray that he doesn't deteriorate too bad and that he does rally well!


  1. So sad at you loosing little Joshua; but praying for God's goodness and mercy to follow Daniel, to strengthen and bless him in every way. Rejoicing in your strong faith in our wonderful God.
    'For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee'.
    Isaiah ch54
    with much love, Alan and Rachel x

  2. As always our thoughts and prayers are with you - we're sorry to hear Joshua passed away but you'll meet him in heaven and we will continue to pray for Daniel

    From Psalm 20

    v1: May the Lord answer you when you are in distress

    v5: May the Lord grant all your requests

    Lots of Love
    Fred Tom & Charlie

  3. Hi Ed and Nicci, I am in the 20's group and know there is a lot of prayer coverage for you. My co-worker was going through this about a year ago and today their baby is healthy and growing right on schedule. Here is their website and they offered if you have ANY questions at all, let me know and I will put you in touch.

  4. My thoughts and prayers are with you all xx

  5. Hi Nicci & Ed

    We are really sorry to hear about the sad loss of Joshua and our thoughts are with the three of you at this time. We hope that Daniel gets stronger every day.

    Lots of Love
    Coll & Dave
