Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Some comic light relief... the mystery of the cheese-on-toast conundrum...

In order to ease the burden on Ed while I have been on bed rest, we have arranged for various friends from our church to pop in and make me lunch...

I have tried to keep it simple and so have asked for cheese on toast... fairly standard fair? Not a chance!

Apparently, in America, the idea of spreading butter on toast and then slicing cheese and putting that on top of the butter is a very strange concept! I have been handed all sorts of variations - from toast with a slice of butter on one side and a couple of slices of cheese on the other, to a butter and crumbled (literally chunks of cheese just broken off and scattered) cheese mix... all very strange...

Yesterday I asked the friend who had come to help if Americans really didn't eat cheese on toast - she said "cheese with butter - no, not really"... !!!

Today I am feeling very grown-up and daring... Ed is in LA on business for the day (he left at 5.30am - yuck!) and I have decided that I am feeling well enough to get out of bed and make my own breakfast and lunch... after 6 weeks of lying on my back, I can't express the feeling of elation I had when I managed to successfully sort myself out with marmite toast and orange juice this morning... roll on lunch time! I am a woman on a mission!

I am hoping beyond hope that the consultant gives me the all clear to get up and about when we go and see him tomorrow... I'll let you know!

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