Saturday, May 15, 2010

Homecoming - Part 3

Daniel has moved out of the hospital and his new address is at home with us! So much thanks to all of you who have prayed with us for this momentous event!

As you can see, he's still needing some oxygen and will do for probably 2-3 months. But he no longer has wires stuck to him, and we no longer have the comfort of those machines telling us all is well. It's parental instinct from now on!

We've had our first car journey as a family, which Daniel slept through. We've had our first family lunch, which Daniel slept through. We've had our first Skype call with his maternal grandparents and then it was his first feed at home. And next it will be his first nappy change at home. It's all new and totally wonderful. And I have a week off work to enjoy it all. Our plan this week is to look at him. We'll be happy with that - no chance of getting bored. He's amazing!

Why am I typing when I could be looking at him? I'm off - catch you later!


  1. Wow wow and more wow.
    Congratulations enjoy every minute
    Much love and prayers
    The whites

  2. Congratulations, enjoy your first week-end as a family, no nurses, no doctors just the 3 of you :) lol Alex

  3. oh Nic and Ed --- HOW AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! We are absolutely thrilled beyond words for you...enjoy every precious second with your new little one at home! Cant wait to hear more! xxxxxxxxxxx

  4. Congrats guys! enjoy your little man!xx

  5. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... love you all xxx

  6. Amazing news. Congratulations. x
