Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Yesterday was a day of joy mixed with sadness...

Daniel is doing GREAT - he had another eye exam and it looks as though the retinopathy has improved, so that both eyes are now only stage 1 again - which is fantastic news! He was pretty wiped out for most of the day after having his eyes done, but then he woke up for his 6.30pm feed - and took a whopping 74ml from the breast (to put that in context, the maximum feed he is supposed to take for his size is 58ml!)... One thing that Gilchrists do well is EAT!!!

Having not had my hair cut since October (!), I decided to treat myself to an afternoon at the salon... I was enjoying having long hair again and really only wanted it trimmed, with a bit of style added... what I got was a MONSTROSITY... honestly, it is THE worst hair cut I have ever had. I am ashamed to say that tears have been flowing and I have behaved quite childishly over something which, in the long run is really not important... obviously the Lord has work to do when it comes to my vanity! Hey Ho, looks like I'll be wearing my hair in a ponytail for the next few months! The really galling thing was that it was probably the most expensive hair cut I've ever had too... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!


  1. Hey I've recently learned that - after coping with huge stress, grief etc - it's the little things that cause the tears to flow like crazy. And your hair is soooooo beautiful I can imagine what a shock it was ! So no photo this time ???!!!! lol xxx
